A review by the_one_and_only_maddie
The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities by Rick Riordan


I decided to read this not as an entry point for the series it contains but more like a writing sample for other authors. I read the first chapter months ago and DNF until now. Ngl, twas a slog, but I get thats because I haven't read the series.
TLDR; They were all mid but the last one by Rick was pretty good.
Calamity Juice-3/5, Loved the wackyness but it lost me at multiple points.
Beware the Grove of True Love-2/5, I liked the myth they got sucked into but like did not care around that.
The Cave of Doom-3/5, My eyes glazed over at this point like I didn't realize how all these stories followed the Percy Jackson formula so rigidly it feels.
The Initiation-3/5, The premise seemed a bit of a stretch.. nothing was special, I didn't like the main character much, and in the time span we didn't get to know the others that much.
The Gum Baby Files-4/5, This was actually good, I do like stories where its like up to the side kicks to figure it out. Little shit child rep gets points with me, but Gum Baby never crossed a line into insufferable.
The Demon Drum-3/5, This was a sentimental rating because I love pow wows, but overall it was kinda mid. I get that its hard to make a little story in the middle of your series that has enough juice to be good but not enough plot shaking that readers who didn't catch the story will be lost, but like nothing wow happened.
Bruto and the Freaky Flower-3/5, I enjoyed this more probably because the other stories have been eh, but it was fine. Solid.
The Loneliest Demon- 2/5, A little cute but like by the title I knew where it was going.
My Night at the Gifted Carnival-2/5, Hattie should be the main character, did nothing for me.
My Life as a Child Outlaw-5/5, It was honestly crazy to go from these repetitive stories to this one that outshines them all. You can totally tell Rick is a much more experienced author, but I also think he didn't have the pressure of the story being within something greater because I remember his Percy Jackson/Kane Chronicle short stories were good, not great.