A review by luinien
Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay


Again, my Twitter PLN came through with a great recommendation! Going in to this book, I only knew that many people were raving about it.
This book was a great look at what we think we know versus what we learn and how it might suck, but we still need to seek the truth. That, and family and heritage are important. These concepts were very vivid without the author bashing us over the head with it - more of ah-ha moments that I came to while reading. I enjoyed the lead up to the end and how things wrapped up. Things were taken care of, but it didn't feel cookie cutter clean which I enjoy as life is definitely messy.
I would have liked more character depth with the people that Jay interacted with or that were important in his life (Seth for example). I was left wanting more resolution or details on a couple of the interactions those two had. Overall, though, that's a very minor complaint on my end.