A review by corporal_bookish
Russian Roulette: The Story of an Assassin by Anthony Horowitz


Compared to the other Alex Rider books this one was a real let down. Of course it isn't actually about Alex all that much but still, there wasn't enough action as expected from Anthony Horowitz.

Also, it just seemed really weird how Yassen was seen as useful to Rothman. If I was her, I'd probably just send him away, or kill him considering Scorpia.

The beginning of the book is written in 3rd person and is about Yassen entering the hotel. It's kind of lame how Yassen just "decided to read his diary". It was a pretty childish way to start the main story. And why the hell does a top grade assassin keep a fucking diary? What is he like 12?
Anyways, the beginning of the story starts out great, but when he gets to Sharkovsy's place it's pretty much downhill from there. Yassen becomes quite monotonous and just throws tons of information at you. When he got to Malagosto, it became slightly better. I really would have liked Colette to be alive and for him to have been sent to kill her instead of some random lawyer lady in New York. That would have jaded the story much better.

Aside form the part in the amazon, and the Russian roulette, there was little or no action.

Overall I guess it just wasn't up to the Alex Rider mark which Anthony Horowitz is so used to putting forth.