A review by smitchy
Accidental Feminists by Jane Caro


Jane Caro takes us on a deep dive into feminism, the baby boomer generation, and the battles we still need to fight to bring about true equality. Any woman reading this book will recognise most of the issues: having either experienced them personally or known someone who has; What makes this so readable is Caro's ability to sum up those issues so succinctly and point out with clarity the catch-22 most women find themselves in as they are caught between the opposing expectations of society. Caro's generation didn't expect to change the world but a combination of financial need, social change, the pill, and frustration with the expectations they were saddled with lead to the biggest change in female roles the western world has ever seen. With these changes have come new challenges and backlash from both men and women and Caro also makes an attempt to understand why and how this has come about and what we can do about it.
Accidental Femminists is highly readable in spite of this relatively heavy subject matter and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I feel the people who most need to read it never will.
This would be a great addition to a social studies course and I feel like it should be required reading in highschools.

Looking forward to the book club discussion this book will bring about - especially as the bookclub contains boomers, gen x and millennials.