A review by heatheradoresbooks
Lucky by Rachel Edwards



Featuring ~ single 3rd person POV

This one was very slow going for me and I considered not finishing it, but I chose to stick with it. It did ramp up about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way in and I was eager to finish it quickly.

Told by Etta in 2018 who lives with her boyfriend, Ola. She's eager for him to propose, but he wants more money in their bank account first. Thus sets forth Etta's addiction to online gambling. It's so easy to get sucked in and have a feeling that the next round will be the jackpot win. As Etta sees the winnings go up and down and back again she gets sucked in even further and reaches out to a fellow gambler. Soon she realizes that that's not the only mistake she'll make.

She was really frustrating me with all the crazy decisions she was making. Not only was she addicted to gambling, but her need for alcohol was taking over her life too. She was losing friendships and her work was suffering.
There are some chapters that are labeled Risk I - VIII that I was totally lost about for quite some time. Some of the phrasing was difficult for me to understand too. I didn't see the twist coming, but thinking back I should have smelled something fishy.
Overall, I'm not too sure about the ending, but I'm happy I stuck with it.

*Many thanks to Sophia at Harper Collins 360 for sending me a paperback ARC. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

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