A review by meghansometimesreads
The Last Word by Taylor Adams


Let me first say I’m going to be speaking of two different authors. When I refer as the author as just “the author,” I mean the character in the books. I’ll refer to the actual author by his name.

Taylor Adams wrote the author in this book very well…as in the author was extremely cringy and reminded me of those kids who ran like anime characters and talking about katanas and other Japanese culture like they were experts.

I will back up a previous persons review/spoiler that the dog does in fact survive so if you are thinking of not reading this because of that I will say it’s safe so pick it up.

I will also say that I pretty much guess who the killer was although it was between two characters. I personally thought that this was like a lower stake thriller…like I laughed at a few parts and it didn’t have my anxiety going through the roof.

Moral of this story is any reader/reviewers fear…don’t trash talk a book for fear that the author will stalk you.