A review by seeingnight
Black Moon Draw by Lizzy Ford


GENRE: Paranormal
THEME: Romance, Magic, Fantasy
BLOG: http://seeingnight.blogspot.com/
4.5 stars

Holy Moly! I’m writing my review just as I finished that last sentence and I’m still stuck in the awesome and magical world of Black Moon Draw. I cannot believe how this book started nor how it ended, so freaking fantastic! I can’t remember being so excited after finishing a book.

Black Moon Draw follows Naia who has just had the worst day ever, her fiancé has broken up with her a week before her wedding. She is distraught, but her love for literature and being a librarian seems to have consumed her so much that her fiancé thought she would rather live in a fantasy than with him. Thus that very night, Naia gets her wish, while reading an unfinished book online; she gets sucked into a world of danger, magic, warrior beast and a place that reminds her of all her favorite fantasy stories. But she doesn’t know if she’s dreaming… or if or how she’ll ever get home again.

Naia to me was a total spaz, she cracked me up with her outrageous reactions to everything that was happening to her. In all seriousness I wouldn’t know how I would react either getting sucked inside a book your reading, but she just makes a mess of things right from the start. I loved how the author brought so many of my favorite movie and book references to this story as well as making Naia very aware of the connections, such as Lord of the Rings, the Labyrinth, The Never Ending Story etc. It was seriously so much fun to step in a world of so much fantasy and still make such an original story with a young woman who is at a loss on what to do or how to help herself get home. Naia from the beginning wants to get home, not realizing that maybe she really is here for a reason and in the end her sole purpose is to open her mind and heart on why she was brought there. She did frustrate me a bit a times and I’m glad she got some sense in her at some point to see her purpose.

The Shadow King… Holy mother of yummy dangerous men! I loved this man, every muscles, smirk and crazy battle-fighting demeanor, he was awesome! At the beginning I was a little taken back, not sure if this was going to be a beauty and the beast like story because well... he was wearing a boars head. Thank goodness for fantasy and the cleverness of the author, having the men wear animal heads like helmets to make them seems scary and well it totally works! There is so much more back-story with The Shadow King, his family is cursed and Naia is brought to his world for a very specific reason. Both of them are drawn together to stop a war and to help him reclaim his rightful place. But there are many people who wish to see this not happen and with Naia being more clumsy than powerful it’s a humors and dangerous journey for both of them. Their chemistry from beginning to end is off the hook! I don’t blame the girl for acting like a total fool half the time when she around him, cause there is no doubt I would too!

Overall this was such a fantastic story, it brought me out of my slump with paranormal books and I even stayed up late on a work night to finish, because I could not put this book down for one minute. It was so darn good! There are so many small clever details that will have any book lover smiling and nodding their heads. This book was written for book lovers and fantasy lovers who have dreamed about living inside one of their favorite stories. I look forward to more from Lizzy Ford and have no doubt I’ll be re-reading this book because its one book that I loved getting lost in.