A review by omantienlukija
Uncanny Magazine Issue 40: May/June 2021 by Chimedum Ohaegbu, Elsa Sjunneson, Michael Damian Thomas, Lynne M. Thomas


 Again an issue from last year. It was a decent one but it neither had high highs or low lows. Here again few words about all the short stories and some of the other things.

Unseelie Brothers, LTD. by Fran Wilde: Pretty magical and slightly scary. Pretty enjoyable read. 4/5

Proof of Induction by José Pablo Iriarte: On the surface about maths but more a story about sorrow, looking for acceptance and disappointment. 3,5/5

Thirteen of the Secrets in My Purse by Rachel Swirsky: Short and funny. Slightly of kilter and absurd in the best way. 4,5/5

How the Girls Came Home by Eugenia Triantafyllou: Creepy and dark with a semi hopeful end. 3/5

The Hungry Ones by Emma Törzs: Partly an interesting look into the dark side of human mind, party kinda meh. 3/5

Heart Shine by Shveta Thakrar: Ok story about finding yourself and your place in the world. Fairies are not my thing tough. 3,5/5

River, Clap Your Hands by Sheree Renée Thomas: Never really caught my interest properly. Jumping in time didn't help. 2,5/5

A Love Letter to Libraries by E. Lily Yu: I'm easy, I like when people praise libraries. 4/5

Babylon 5 and Antifacism by Andrew Liptak: Important subject but I haven't seen B5. 3/5

The Protagonist Problem by Ada Palmer & Jo Walton: Very good essay about the dominance and of protagonismos and call for more tapestry stories. 4,5/5

More Than Meets the Eye: Transformers as Trans Fantasy by C.J. Linton: Good piece about Transformers and how they relate to the real life experience of transitioning as a trans person. 4/5

None of the poems really stuck with me this time.

Non-fiction editor Elsa Sjunneson's column Imagining Futures: Imagination, LTD. was just an incredibly powerful piece about ableism in literature and I highlighted several sections of it while reading. 5/5