A review by readnoot
To Have and to Heist by Sara Desai

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I get it! Simi can hold her own because she has three brothers. Simi can fight because she has three brothers. Simi had to build resilience because she has three brothers. In most cases, the reader is not going to be plagued with amnesia in the time it takes them to read from page one to 100. Yet, Desai makes sure to mention every 15 pages how Simi can do X or is like Y because she has three brothers. Further, I did not find Simi’s oversharing to be endearing or amusing but exhausting and annoying. She came across as rude and cringe to me, not honest and well-meaning. Also, the plot moved so fast that it was jarring. The reader is herded from one dramatic scenario into the next, having no time to process the plot or develop personal views of the individual characters; it felt like I was being told about everyone in bullet points that were intended to usher me toward an exact interpretation of each person. Lastly, I personally dislike when authors describe what characters are wearing, and Desai did that repeatedly and in excruciating detail each time. 

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