A review by ladyelizabeth
Frantic by Sara Fields


When I finished this story I was a little confused. It seemed like there was something that happened before this book but I couldn't see that it was part of a series. It certainly made sense as a stand-alone story but, at the same time, it felt like it was part of something bigger.

I wasn't wrong. Apparently, Frantic is a stand-alone story but happens in the same world as other stories so it becomes an interwoven thing. Before this book was Frenzy, which I did not read, so just as information, you should check it out if you're interested in what happens as a whole in this world created by Sara Fields.

Triss is bound outside of the city to let the wild alphas get their way with her. The need she feels is painful and all-consuming. Three alphas arrived and take care of her, only to be captured by the same scientific community that Triss was working for. I won't say more about this because... spoilers.

This is not my first Sara Fields book and I have to say I'm still happy to have picked this one up, no matter the confusing thoughts at times. She writes so well and her stories are always interesting. She also tends to make you fall in love or at least very interested in her characters within each book in a way that you want to know more.

A steamy book as always and I loved those parts. I don't know how she does it but the scenes were sexy times occurs between characters are always so hot that you have to get something to bring down the heat later on.

If you like stories about dystopian worlds or futuristic situations with a lot of steam in them, you may want to give Sara Fields books a go *smile*

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.