A review by smuthutbooks
Once A Collection of Sinfully Sexy and Twisted Tales by Nicole Hite, Brooklyn Taylor, M. Piper, Terri George, H.Q. Frost, Allyn Lesley, Alora Kate, L.E. Chamberlin, M. Dauphin, Layla Stevens, allyn leslie


I have mixed feelings about this collection. Some of them I liked and wanted more of. Others I didn’t like and didn’t feel like they had a part in this collection.

R.S.V.P-I really liked this one! I wanted more of the story of Tessa a chef (just like me!) who doesn't take kindly to someone disrespecting her food and Paolo is a hot guy from Italy. They meet when Tessa is catering her best friends wedding and Paolo is the best man. One night of hot steamy sex and a cliffy! WTF!? Where is the rest of the story!?

Tonight Only-Addyson just graduated from police academy. She worked hard and became the top of her class. Kalen just wanted a night out and like always wanted to get a girl in his bed for the night. Another one night of explosive sex and an ending that left me wanting more!

Liar-I didn’t like this one. I was put in a collection that was supposed to be really hot and sexy things for one night. This had none just kisses. He’d been in love with her forever, and she's been in love with him. When his brother ends up getting the girl what could go wrong?

Pie for Breakfast-Kathrine is going through heck and a hand basket. Her husband has been cheating. When her friend gives her a card for one night of anonymous sex with a stranger what could go wrong? Also with twins! Double the trouble. That's not who she ends up with though. Landon- Met her on a tree farm, and ended up being her knight in shinning armor. It all eends with pie for breakfast. Where’s the rest? How does their love story end? I wanna know!

Room Number 5-Mike- Has a loving wife who doesn't give him what he needs. So he ends up in room five, but how!? I’m still wondering this, who sent him to get some love. How did he end up there? Jaeda- Is a call girl? Maybe is what you would call her. She helps take care of Mikes needs. All because her brother has forced her into this life! I feel like this could and should be make into a full story! Jaeda needs a happy ending!

Club X-Has characters from another book by this author. I have not read the other books. So I guess I'll have to go read them now because I'm left wondering what happened before this story. I guess they are husband and wife and needed a night out. So they go out and pretend they are strangers having some hot steamy sex at Club X.

Don't break the spell-Her husband wanted a promotion, and didn't care the cost. So he tried to get her to attend a swingers party. The bartender at the party ended up being her knight and saving her from trouble. Another one that needs a fuller story and more detail. What happens? Does her husband come looking for her?

Ivy’s Rule-One night of hot sex! She is a single mom who's child is sick. Rule is just the doctor to fix it. They didn't know that when she walked into the doctors office to help her child get better. Another story that I want more of.

Tryst-She comes home to the worst thing imaginable. So she takes her cousin on a trip and meets a wonderful guy who helps me remember who she is and what love is supposed to be. What happens when she gets home from the trip?

Over all Id give it 3.5-4 stars. Some of them were lacking. Missing the end part of a short story. I’m left feeling and wanting more and knowing I may never get the answers I need.