A review by lanica
Heat Wave by Richard Castle


I love the TV show. It is quirky and light without being stupid. Castle is a cad with a heart of gold and I love his relationship to his daughter. The character of Castle makes the series and I felt like I was reading something he would have written. This book was probably written by the same people who created Castles dialogue, so it's no wonder it sounds like it came from his brain. They have done a great job tying the book into the series.

However, the book itself isn't very good. Don't buy it unless you're a fan of the show...you would be missing the flavor that makes it a good show. The book assumes you know the characters and relationships. There is little description, little exposition...it's a TV episode in book form, and the writers assume you can 'see' a lot of things they don't bother to write.

On my soapbox: This is just another way to squeeze money out of the American public...and we're buying it. Given the book on it's own - it would flop; instead, it's a TV tie in and so it sells. We're buying crap just because it's there for us to buy...it hurts my head to think about it too much. (I got my book as a birthday gift, I don't think I would have bought it myself...but then again, maybe I would have. I'm a sucker for books and Castle. But really, what a waste.)