A review by anneebel
In Plain Sight: A True Story of Kidnapping and Rape by Anna D. Stoddard


Obviously there are HUGE trigger warnings necessary for this book.

This book was a real easy read, but likewise a tough one. The writing was extremely good and showed off Anna’s ability to write. I think I would love a follow up to this book, to understand her journey to love and TikTok!

Alternatively, for her to write a book on the lack of compassion in US police for SVU’s and her obvious passion for uncovering the inadequacies of the police to convict rapists would be really interesting.

With what was discussed in the book, I can’t say I “enjoyed” it, but it was insightful, interesting and more importantly shed light on an horrific subject. I follow Anna on TikTok which is where I learned of this book, and I’m grateful to understand her journey more.