A review by emilyhei
Triptych by Karin Slaughter


Will Trent shows up in Atlanta, Georgia when a case of a murdered woman has similarity to a few cases he has been working on. Paired with Michael Ormewood a cop who is watching carefully everything Will does. 

John Shelley was sentenced twenty years ago for a murder of a girl he went to school with.  He has not talked about what happened in all that time and now he is out.  He finds a friend of sorts with undercover officer Angie Polaski, she knows of the case Will is working on and she knows John is holding secrets.  Who will figure out the truth about what is happening to the woman who are dying and will it be too late for the next victim?

Mind blowing, so many tangled webs that intersect in this book.  You think the story is going one way in the book and it takes a huge turn.  I was completely captivated with this book, couldn't put it down.