A review by thecatladybooknook_penny
You Were There Too by Colleen Oakley


4.5/5 stars

This book....where to start? I don't want to give too much away but this book...OMG! READ IT!!!

Mia and Harrison are married and the cutest couple! I love their dynamics and banter. But sadly, they keep trying to have a baby and are unsuccessful. This was so sad and played a big role in the whole story.

Then there is Oliver. Mia is sure she's met him before somewhere and keeps running into him at the store and around town. She's sure she knows him from somewhere and then realizes she's been dreaming about him for YEARS. But how can that be when she doesn't know him and until recently has never talked with him or seen him.

Is it fate? Or some odd coincidence? Was she really not meant to have a life and baby with Harrison?

The only reason I didn't give 5 stars to this book is that I felt it get a little draggy and lag a bit here and there, but otherwise, I felt all the emotions Ms. Oakley gave to these characters. I didn't love the ending, but I'm at peace with it considering how it COULD have gone.

TW: Infertility/Miscarriage