A review by notesonbookmarks
The Colour of Bee Larkham’s Murder by Sarah J. Harris


10 days. 9 days to get actually interested in this book. And then one more day to finish it. Yeesh. I wanted to love it so much! I love the entire concept of this kid who doesn't process faces, but DOES process sound as color. I love that he did or saw something, and we're trying to piece it together with him, but his sensory processing differences make it so hard. I love that we don't know who to trust. But seriously, the build up and the development of the story is just not there. It shouldn't be this hard to get into something that otherwise has so many qualities that you know you'll love. I'm sorry to say that I can't recommend this one, because it just went too slow. But, if you feel like you've got interest in this type of story, hit me with other recommendations for the unreliable narrator/SPD combo, because I am FOR it!