A review by beastreader
Prophet of Bones by Ted Kosmatka


Paul is an extremely talented scientist. This is why he has been asked to join an expedition to the island of Flores in Indonesia. Paul is tasked with gathering some DNA from a pile of bones that the group found. Instantly, Paul knows something is different about the bones. However before Paul can solve the mystery, the expedition is shut down.

Paul and two other crew members go on the run. Later one goes missing, the other one is killed and Paul in the process loses an eye. Now, Paul is more then determined to uncover the truth.

I am left walking the fence on this one. On one hand I enjoyed the science element and mystery in this book but on the other hand I did not care for the stop and go action. I would get into this book and then it would slow down to conversation. For me I did not find the conversations between the bad guys to exciting. Even though I know these were the times when I was suppose to pick up on what Paul discovered and the big climax ending. For me, I never fully committed 100% to anyone but Paul. So for me it felt like the action and hype would pick up again whenever Paul was involved.

So to recap…Paul was great, the science fundamentals intriguing and kept things interesting, the action ok, and the ending alright. The ending came a little out of left field but don’t know if this was on purpose to hint that we have not seen the last of Paul? Maybe, maybe not. I would not mind seeing Paul again. This book is worth a look