A review by parksystems
Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT Up New York, 1987-1993 by Sarah Schulman


id always had respect for ACT UP, but this book thru interviews, experience of active members, deeply personal stories... it was deeply inspiring, moving, devastating and hopeful. ive been in so many activist spaces where action and results are an uphill battle. while i cant even fathom the urgency heaving your and your friends lives so literally on the line, learning about the way in which ACT UP operated to get real work done is useful for anyone in change making and organizing. i also realized how so much of the late 90s activism i came into, with radical health workshops etc, was very shaped by the paradigms and methods ACT UP cultivated. This left me just super grateful for the people of ACT UP, what they were able to set in motion / accomplish, and this book.