A review by kingohats
Captive by Rosalie Stanton


This book fucking sucks.

first of all, the book is way too short for its plot. It starts off with a prologue that the rest of the book really doesn’t need to make sense, and if the editor had any sense they’d have snipped it or told the author to instead start the book with a flashback of Izzie murdering her dad, which has more bearing (though not much given how shallow the characters are) on the motivations and actions of one of the two main characters.

the main characters, Izzie and fuck’s his name don’t even get captured til like a third way through the book, and that’s incredible because it felt like 4 scenes had happened before the plot actually started.

Also, the author is /very bad/ at keeping consistent between what they are informing us directly about the characters and how the characters come across through the text. Stanton tells us whats his fuck thinks of humans as beneath him, but in the two interactions he has with Izzie before this revelation, i was actually under the opinion he was a nice vampire! that he liked humans! and btw, he’s nice to two out of the 4 named humans in the books, the other two being a sadistic scientist and a vampire hunter who tries to kill him with a crossbow. wow he sure hates those humans!!

izzie falls for whats his dick after two orgasms and 4 total interactions with said person attached to said dick and dick mcgee, while taking longer, has no particular chemistry with Izzie or deep conversation that prompts said romantic revelation.

in fact, i’d say the entirety of their relationship before both are in love is, at most, 2 weeks? and if it’s not 2 weeks the author also fails at showing time passing. bravo.

also i came here for some fucked up co-dependency and monstery behaviour and instincts content and i am SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED

wait i forgot to mention. Every Character in this book is white, every single one. To a like absurd degree are they white, holy shit why isn't anyone poc. I thought Connor was meant to be Jamaican at first because of his weird as fuck accent because I just couldn't make sense of why his lines are written the way they are otherwise, but no, he's actually just an extremely stupid, weird-talking, white guy.