A review by paddlefoot55
Face-Off at the Altar by Toni Aleo

ARC received for an honest review

You never know what you are going to get when you start reading a Toni Aleo book - well, you know you are going to get a world of hockey hotties, but other than that, it is like Forrest Gump said, it is like a box of chocolates.

I loved getting back in the Assassins world and getting to see more of the lovelies we have come to adore in the previous books. But Mekena and Markus' story just felt a little bit extra special to me.

Not sure what it was, maybe it was that I haven't read one an Aleo book for a while, or whether it was how emotional this book made me feel, but it is definitely one of my favourite Assassin books.

Markus and Mekena have history, and that history is not all good. Ms Aleo touches on some difficult - some might say taboo - subject in Face-Off At The Altar, and she does it so, so well. My goodness the emotions she evoked in my whilst reading. I know at times I had to read parts at least two times as I was trying to read through tears.

It has been a long, long time since I have felt such hatred for a character. I don't say the who, what, when or where, but you will understand the why when you have read it. I had such a visceral reaction to this person.

I adored that through it all, our lovelies fought. Fought between their heads and their hearts, fought each other, but more importantly fought for each other.

There were plenty of laughs and smiles and good times as well as the mad, sad and bad times.

I completely enjoyed my time back in Assassins-Land, and can't wait to see what Ms Aleo brings us next.

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