A review by wiltedpages
Radha & Jai's Recipe for Romance by Nisha Sharma


Radha and Jai’s Recipe for Romance centers Radha, a Kathak dancer with global acclaim. The day of her biggest performance of her life, she overhears her fellow dancers talking about how Radha doesn’t have a personality outside of dance, never goes against her mother (an ex-Kathak dancer herself), and only wins competitions because her mother sleeps around with all the judges. Stunned, Radha confronts her mother minutes before she has to be on stage, and when her mom doesn’t fully deny it, Radha runs off and doesn’t perform, her big moment ruined, her reputation as a renowned Kathak dancer in shambles, and with no intention of ever dancing again.

Almost a year later, Radha moves to Jersey with her mother who is freshly divorced, looking for a fresh start. She applies to transfer into a performing arts high school, where she meets Jai.

Jai’s just trying to help his family. He has no intentions of going to college, despite the best efforts and encouragement his family offers. He knows that in order to fulfill his med school dream, he’ll have to give up working at his family’s convenience store, which is the only source of income supporting their father, who’s almost fully paralyzed. On top of that, the choreographer for his Bollywood dance team quits to work on an actual Bollywood movie in India, leaving him without any options for their upcoming winter performance, which his team is relying on for college.

Read the full review on my blog.