A review by dee9401
Star Trek Lives ! by Jacqueline Lichtenberg


A fun read for my fellow Trekkies that brought back fond memories of Star Trek and conventions in the 70s and 80s (Creation Conventions in Philly, for one). I watched the Star Trek blooper reels at these conventions, in dark rooms off of the main show area. I also remember the sacredness of the time when Star Trek (or any favorite show) was on: rearranging your schedule so you could be home in front of the television, no talking except during commercials, turn off the phone, don't answer the door, etc.

An important contribution of this book is that I was reminded of how many women were involved, not only as fans but as script writers, fan fiction writers, and organizers who kept the cult of Star Trek going long after it was cancelled. Chapter 3, on the first Star Trek convention, was really fun to read.

One thing I didn't enjoy as much was the fanboy/fangirl attitude. So much of the text was way over the top with gushing about the show, characters and actors. I probably would have loved this book more as a kid/teen than I currently do. But, overall, it was worth my time to read it.