A review by librarianlizreads
Looking for a Moose by Phyllis Root


Please note that this review is written for my use as a librarian and may not appeal directly to readers. Please review at your own risk.

Accelerated Reader has this book listed as being for lower grades, or readers in Kindergarten to 3rd grade. They also have listed that this read is worth 0.5 AR points.

Warning: I am extremely biased here. The moose is my favorite animal. I thought this was so cute! It’s a grand adventure to find a Moose that takes the children through all types of habitats. Just adorable.

Caution Notes*:

Recommended for:
Kids who love animals, the outdoors, and adventures.


-Do not read past this point if you would like to avoid spoilers-

Four kids go on an adventure to find and see a Moose. They look all over and can’t find one, until the moose decide to reveal themselves to the kids.

*Caution notes are not to say, don’t read the book. I only include these so that those individuals who have particular themes they do not like to read about or are not ready for their kids to read about are aware. I do not support censoring. :)