A review by evefaith
Always With Love by Giovanna Fletcher


Having been an avid reader of Giovanna Fletcher's books in the past, I was eager to find out about Billy and Sophie's latest adventures. Although I enjoyed reading the story and was hooked in the beginning I couldn't help feeling underwhelmed and a little disappointed for a few reasons...
1. It tended to ramble in places and I got to about halfway through the book and realised that nothing much had happened
2. The language. I couldn't be the only reader who thought the way Sophie referred to her mum as looking 'delicious and dreamy' in a wedding dress was a bit odd, not to mention the way she answered the phone to her boyfriend with 'Hello Mr Buskin'.
3. The way it dealt with death. This was the main reason for my frustration as I thought some of the things said in reference to Sophie's dad's death were either unrealistic or unsympathetic to those in a similar position.
4. The character of Sophie seemed to lack any depth and I found myself wishing that she'd have something a bit more about her. I didn't connect with her and therefore didn't really care about what happened to her and her relationship!
Perhaps 2 stars is a little harsh considering I did enjoy parts of if it but the things that annoyed me REALLY annoyed me but I don't think this will stop me reading any of Giovanna's books in the future as I have thoroughly enjoyed her others.