A review by nicolerene
Embrace the Night by Karen Chance


This is the 3rd installment in Karen Chance’s Cassandra Palmer series. It follows Cassie as the newly anointed “Pythia”, also known as the world’s most powerful clairvoyant, as she searches for a counter spell to a curse placed on her when she was a child. I won’t go any further into the plot in this book because without fully explaining the first two books, it would just be too confusing. It suffices to say that there are a lot of people working against Cassie in one way or another and she has trouble knowing who to trust.
As I mentioned above, these books are extremely intricate plots involving no less than thirty or so involved characters, with more appearing around every bend in Cassie’s confusing journey. This has been my chief complaint about these books since I started reading them.
That being said, I love the way the relationship between Cassie and Pritkin has developed as Cassie has chipped away at his defenses. Pritkin is a terribly complex character and Chance has been slowly peeling back his layers like a really stinky onion, complete with the watery eyes.
Chance writes male characters really well. She makes them sexy and tough, but with a vulnerability that only Cassie seems to bring out. Mircea is no exception. It is refreshing to read a book where there are two equally likely potential suitors, yet the love triangle is not overtly obvious.
Overall, this is another enjoyable read from Chance. I look forward to the next installment of the Cassie Palmer series.