A review by julesgou
The Floating Admiral by Edgar Jepson, G.K. Chesterton, Dorothy L. Sayers, Freeman Wills Crofts, Victor L. Whitechurch, Milward Kennedy, G. D. H. Cole, Agatha Christie, Anthony Berkeley, John Rhode, Ronald Knox, Henry Wade, Clemence Dane, Margaret Cole, The Detection Club


This is really the first book that I've read like this; every author does a different chapter. Another interesting point is that each author needs to have a solution; their facts can't be random.

Most of the solutions had the same murder and some similar ideas but it was really cool that everyone had a different solution.

I found the ending of the book (pretty much the last paragraph) kind of anti climatic. I thought the solution was well done but the last paragraph didn't fit.

The authors' styles shined through in their chapter as well. Some were more mathematical/logical in the set up of their chapter. Then you had the others who were more detail oriented and had more descriptions. Some showed conversations others summarized. It was quite cool to move from one author to another and you never really know where that author was going to take you.

I've only read Agatha Christie's books and "The Floating Admiral" was a great little sampler of other authors' writing. I'm definitely going to check out other authors in this club because of their chapters.

Great mystery. Great sample of mystery writers. I can't wait to read more of their stuff.