A review by sotweedfactor
New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future by James Bridle


An eye-opening book that explores the hidden networks that surround us. I was shocked to discover how little I knew about technology, and about what technology is used for, both materially and ideologically. There are so many instances of technology being automatically and nefariously used in ways that I had not thought of, notably, the prevalence of algorithms that are determining the content we receive and the content that is created. Moreover, many of our financial institutions rely on shady networks of data driven by machines we hardly understand. Though, the starkest warnings came in both how often we are surveilled and how unprepared we are for climate change. In sum, data and technology is not a neutral force, nor is it a force that we fully comprehend. Certainly worth reading if you want to open your eyes to how little we know about our new 'information' age.