A review by sammy234
Going Rogue by Robin Benway


Though this sequel to Also Known As was sometimes just as funny as the first book , either my tastes have changed or this whole series turned very sitcom-ish.

Honestly , all the exclamation points and quips used were enough to drive me mad. It got to the point where Maggie and her crew all sounded like one collective ( no pun intended) snarky person instead of individual characters.

This was NOT a terrible book , really. It was just so...safe? The drama was laughable and the end scene face-off with the bad guy had me yawning. Even my love of Roo couldn't save this.

It also seems that the more books I read the less romantic I become , because Maggie and Jesse were the WORST PART OF THE WHOLE BOOK. They were NAUSEATING. Omigosh.

I couldn't handle them and their stupid love declarations and their lame jokes and their manufactured drama and the way they have no personalities but constantly declare their love to one another. I cannot remember them being this insufferable in the first one.

I DID give this three stars though , and I stand by that rating because this book made me laugh and Angelo is super freaking cool.( though he also has no depth , but whatever)

If you liked Also Known As , read the first couple of chapters of this one so you can see if this is something that you will enjoy. I know now that kitschy , slap stick humor is not really to my taste once the novelty wears off.

Content : One s- word