A review by haewilya
Seducing an Angel by Mary Balogh


A normal romantic novel. Enjoyable but normal. I find that I'm not partial to romances where the heroine has to sell/"sell" her body for money and security.

Well, come to think of it, most Regency romances would fall into this category since they had to marry if they don't have a fortune of their own or they don't want to [be a] burden [to] their family. So...let me rephrase that. I'm not partial to romances where the heroine has to become a mistress or a prostitute.

Anyway, I really liked Stephen even in the previous books in the series. This book made me like him more. I love that even though he appears to be weak, he really isn't. I'm a bit indifferent to the heroine but I like her back story.

Overall, I think what made me just not love this story (only like) are the references to fate and meant-to-be's. I guess I just didn't feel that it WAS fate and it IS 'meant-to-be'.