A review by libbysbookshelf
Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa


I’ve been meaning to read this book for months. For obvious reasons I picked it up as a matter of emergency at the beginning of this week. Like most of you, I have been disgusted and saddened to hear about the events occurring in Palestine. As a reader, my reaction is always to educate myself. 

This book has been the perfect education. 

When I finished reading this about ten minutes ago, I closed the book and kissed it. I loved it so much. 

Nahr is the hero we all need. She enjoys threading eyebrows and doing hair but she also knows how to take care of herself and her loved ones. Her loved ones who have been kicked out of their homes and made refugees multiple times. This novel does not look kindly upon Israeli soldiers, and in fact, they are presented as pure evil at times. My blood was boiling in anger, but heart was always full with love for Nahr and her family and friends. 

There’s a love story in this novel that took my breath away. I won’t say any more, but I will add to all the recommendations that you should read this book ASAP. 

I read some James Baldwin recently and I noticed the line, ‘against the loveless world’. It was only after reading this book that I realised ABULHAWA had named this book after Baldwin’s letter to his nephew. Extremely apt when you consider what white Americans are doing to black Americans in relation to what Israelites are doing to the Palestinians. 

I don’t think I’ve done this book enough justice. 

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