A review by jaymoran
Bad News by Edward St Aubyn


What did it mean that he was about to see his father’s corpse? What was it meant to mean? He hovered in the doorway. His father’s head was lying towards him and he could not yet see the face, just the grey curls of his hair. They had covered the body with tissue paper. It lay in the coffin, like a present someone had put down halfway through unwrapping.
“It’s Dad!” muttered Patrick incredulously, clasping his hands together and turning to an imaginary friend. “You shouldn’t have!”

It’s very hard to judge the Melrose books individually; I would say they’re probably better read as one whole...but I always find I need a little break from Patrick. I really love the books—the prose is delicately beautiful, not oversaturated or overly glossy, and I am captivated by Patrick’s story. I just find them a little too heavy to read in one gulp.

Bad News introduces us to Patrick as an adult whose body is populated with practically every single drug in existence. His cruel father, who has cast a damning shadow over Patrick’s life, has died and we follow Patrick as he collects the remains and stuffs himself with drugs, and that’s pretty much it.

Patrick himself isn’t the most likeable but you can’t help but feel for him, and I’m definitely invested in this story—I just need a little break in between each volume.