A review by lanikei
Roadstrips: A Graphic Journey Across America by Pete Friedrich


Picked this up at SPX 2012 because I am a sucker for compilations. Apparently several of the artists were at the event, but I had about 5 minutes before they closed so I didn't have time to go track anyone else down.

It was a pretty hit or miss group, and I didn't feel like this was a 'journey across america' so much as 'some comics about cities'. The Midwest section was about Chicago and some people who don't know where the Midwest is.

There were a few comics that I enjoyed - though none that are leaping to mind which says something - and the weakness is really the tenuous attempt to link these comics together. This didn't tell a story or link things or cover a vast geographic swath of the U.S. But it did boast a wide variety of art styles which I appreciated, and is probably a good starting point for finding some artists to look for more information about.