A review by canadianbookworm
The Book of the King by Chris Fabry, Jerry B. Jenkins


This is the first book in the Wormling series, and features Owen Reeder, a boy who lives above a bookstore with his father, the bookstore owner. What Owen discovers early in this book is that things are not what they seem and their are powers, both in and around him, that he is unaware of. When set upon by bullies, he finds that there is a power that saves him from harm, and he is intrigued by this. When a stranger tries to give him a book and his father tries to prevent him from taking it, he finds that he is not sure who to trust anymore. For part of his adventures, he is assisted by the stranger, and by Constance, the young daughter of his cleaning lady. For most of the difficult bits, he must rely on the book and the knowledge he gains from it.
This looks to be an interesting series, good versus evil, with multiple worlds and Owen is a good character, bookish but not meek.