A review by izziede
Kickstart My Heart by Autumn Jones Lake


Book 1 of 3.
Read books in series order as it's one story, I originally read this as the books came out but I enjoyed it much more on a reread, I read the trilogy as 1 book.

Music band story with links to MC series.
The Hero's dad is president on an MC, the Hero is expected to take his place there one day but for now is pursuing his dream of his music career.
The couple do visit his family throughout the series and there are a few references to MC activity and as the book is based much earlier than the Lost Kings series, it reveals small pieces of information about the history of the Lost Kings, Rock is a teenage lad and appears in book 3.

I really dislike the cover, in fact I almost didn't read it.

Hero is previous man-whore. There are comments made about club girls and groupies for the band.
Although he is a gonna as soon as he meets the heroine, there is no interest elsewhere for him, his band mates are constantly still indulging, so lots of references to their activities.

Heroine is a virgin due to her protective family situation, at the start it is revealed her dad is being sentenced to a prison term for involvement in the mob.
He had plans for the heroine to go to her uncle for safety who she knows will marry her off to a man within the business.
There is small other man drama regarding him.

Other woman drama, several offers, throughout the series and other man drama, especially basically anyone who employed her or even interviewed her.
I got a bit fed up of how naive she is and how every man wanted her.
I think the author was using a scenario of an innocent protected background let loose on the world of Hollywood to show the depravity and loose morals but it got a bit old.

They fall for each other pretty quickly with full on 'i love you's', their issue is more trying to make their relationship work.

No cheating.
No intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine but before the heroine officially meets the Hero she kisses his fellow band member as part of a video shoot for their song.
She feels there is no chemistry to the kiss but the Hero is in the audience and watches it.

Lots of humour.
Drug references.

Dual POV.
Cliffhanger ending.