A review by amyaislin
Amending Plans by C.M. Corett


I really enjoyed this. I say that with surprise because I've never read this author before and didn't know what to expect. Amending Plans was cute and light, which is exactly what I needed after reading a difficult book. I liked both Luc and Rick and thought they were good together.

I don't know anything about cartography and surveying and would have liked the author to explore that aspect of their jobs and lives a bit more. I also feel like Luc and Rick never really got to know each other. Every encounter, and every time one was thinking about the author, was riddled with tingling or vibrating balls, hard cocks, and lustful thoughts. I didn't need to be told that as often as I was, and it got repetitive. I kept wanting to tell these guys that there's more to a relationship than sex.

The conflict was a bit over the top, and I feel like it wouldn't have happened had these guys actually gotten to know each other. And (I don't know why this bugged me so much) I couldn't tell what time of year it was. Luc was shivering in a leather jacket one moment, and in the next scene he's in shorts. I just couldn't get a good grasp of the setting.

That being said, this was a quick, fun read, fairly predictable, but with good writing. It was funny and not too angsty, and I enjoyed Luc and Rick when they were being themselves and not bemoaning their class differences and lack of commonalities. I look forward to picking up more by this author.