A review by tabman678
Doctor Who: Out of Time 1 by Matt Fitton


This is an absolute delight of an adventure.

It is clear where both Doctor's are in their respective timelines.

The characterization for both Doctor's is off the charts. Of course this is helped that both Doctor's are played by their original performer. Both Tom Baker and David Tennant are in full form here, totally wonderful.

The story is both Doctor's are at a point in their life where they're at this interdimensional cathedral of contemplation with another group of people until the Daleks show up and the Doctor's are forced to interact.

The fourth Doctor's nature contrasts with the tenths view and especially where he is at his timeline as it takes place after Journey's End but before End of Time, so an interesting external and internal conflict for the story to address.

Now on top of the performance this audiobook is engineered so well. The environment is vibrant and brought to life in the soundscape. The cathedral echoes with voices, footsteps, Dalek shots. It is just delightful to listen to.

Matt Fitton wrote on of my favorite audios on the Big Finish site with this. Nicholas Briggs not only directed it very well but almost steals the show with his Dalek voices.

And as I mentioned Howard Carter's sound design is excellent.

If you have any affection for either of these Doctors or both then this is a really great treat.

5 stars.