A review by davykent
The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: The Ultimate Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed by Karen Elizabeth Gordon


I find learning grammar to be dry at the best of times (a bad sign given my job, but c'est la vie), so I figured doing a refresher in the guise of comedy? merriment? cleverness? would go differently.

It did not. It was just another flavour of dry. A personal problem? Maybe.

Anyway, the author seems to be unaware of the legitimacy and history of singular they and not gendering where it's unnecessary, which I found to be an amusing irony given the backdrop of a centuries-old vampire being the teacher here. Such a creature wouldn't say "use 'her or him' instead of 'him or her' if you're a feminist, idk lol" nor would they say that just using "them" instead was some modern up-start. The author doesn't include they/them as an option at all for singular use, even though it's been used that way since the birth of this hypothetical vampire grammar teacher.

I guess the book is fine, but to be honest, I would have felt my time better spent with a dry textbook that didn't try to be fun.