A review by cassdoudoumis
The Art of Love by Ovid


This was actually much more interesting than I would've expected. Most know Ovid from the famous Metamorphoses but coming across this, I didn't expect it to be anywhere near what it actually was. We have a little bit of humour laced into this book in which the Roman poet believes that sexual love can be taught. Think like... Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide but for the late Romans... and for sex. This is, in my opinion, directed at men to teach them how to catch and keep a woman. This is NOT what a woman wants. Ladies, do not expect good things from this LOL.

But it was interesting. It's cool to see what their game was back then versus what it is now. Some of this would NOT fly right now or for the past two decades in all honesty. It's a little barbaric tbh.

So it breaks it down. Step one, you gotta find yourself a lady. Ovid lays out the best places to be for this and gives you a little bit of technique for each place. Step two, you have to catch her by any means necessary. One of which is to basically suck up to her maid to get into the good books.

I read this for school and I actually wasn't mad about it for once. I probably won't ever read it again but it was good!!