A review by pwbalto
Cities: Discover How They Work by Kathleen M. Reilly


I hemmed and hawed over this book, trying not to let my expertise on the subject cause me to overreact to its occasional oversimplifications and minor inaccuracies - Machu Picchu was not built of mud bricks, "cloaca" does not exactly translate to "sewer," really, minor stuff. But on the other hand, minor inaccuracies can signal an overall cavalier approach to research and fact-checking, so sometimes they mean more than they appear. Like I said, hemming and hawing. Until page 113, on which the author says that "Baltimore crab cakes" (really it would be "Maryland") "are usually served with coleslaw." I have never heard of anybody putting a crabcake and coleslaw on the same plate, and... we're done.