A review by cajeck
Saint City Sinners by Lilith Saintcrow


This book literally picks up where the last left off. I enjoyed this installment, like all its predecessors. It has good action, a fascinating setting, great tension, and a complex romance. I don't know what I can say about it, though, that I haven't already said of the previous books. Because Saint City Sinners picks up where The Devil's Right Hand leaves off, it has much of the same flavor. All that said, I did feel like there was a small lack of focus in the plot.

Dante is called back to Saint City when her best friend Gabe calls for her help. The investigation she hands over to Danny ends up taking a backseat half the time to the demonic power struggle from the previous book. I feel that Saintcrow managed to keep things from getting too unwieldy, but perhaps only just. Also, it took another review to remind me of this, but Dante certainly gets disagreeable in this book, even to the reader. For example: At one point, she holds her breath in a fit of pique. No, I'm not kidding. In The Devil's Right Hand, while her (at-times) petulant behavior could frustrate the reader, you could at least be somewhat sympathetic to her situation. That's less so, in this book. It didn't scare me off, though. Not at all.

In summary: Yes this is another great book, if you can forgive Dante slipping more into her yin versus her yang. I wish I could give half stars, though. While Saint City Sinners has a lot of the same flavor as The Devil's Right Hand, it doesn't quite have its tight focus and finesse. So in my head, this book rates more like a 4 1/2 stars instead of 5.