A review by obscuredbyclouds
Spacemen 3 & the Birth of Spiritualized by Erik Morse


As a big Spacemen 3 (and early Spiritualized) fan I was really looking forward to this book. Sadly I found myself skim-reading whole passages, that I felt really didn't have to do anything with the band. I'm not really keen on biographers quoting Deleuze unless absolutely necessary either. Erik Morse just came across as extremely pretentious, I'm sorry to say.

The enjoyed the explanations of the record sessions and whenever the band or people around them got to talk and I felt I was actually understanding a bit more about the band. However it becomes clear that Jason Pierce didn't want to talk to the author and it shows. What's weird is, is that Sonic Boom clearly DID talk to the author a lot and I still only felt I got to understand his side of the story when the author was literally quoting him... The personal turmoil and deterioration of the friendship was the best part of the book because it provided a well-needed narrative structure but even here it was just bits and pieces.

Oh well, such a great band and such great albums, shame about the book. I'd only recommend it to very big fans (but then you've probably already read this), I don't see why this would interest anyone else.