A review by myntop
How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier


I found this book to be really cute. It's definitely geared more towards younger teens I would say, but even as a 30 something I enjoyed it.

The author has created a whole new alternate world, that has similarities to ours, but vast differences as well. Of course, the most prominent being the existence of fairies, but also there is a whole new "slang" for the kids in the book. Doos is cool and injured is uncool and so on. Luckily, the author has put a glossary of sorts in the back of the book if you get confused. I found out I caught on fairly quickly however.

One of the things I love most about YA books, is how they somehow manage to sneak such valuable life lessons in what most teens would just consider a fun book. The lesson I loved the most in this book was that you don't always know what people are dealing with in their own life and you shouldn't judge them so harshly. The main character and at least one of the supporting characters learn this lesson first hand and bring to light that what you think is fantastic and wonderful, might be someone's worst nightmare. There's also a bit of "be careful what you wish for" in there.

I think this book is perfect for people who enjoy YA fiction, especially fantasy. If you like fairies you might enjoy this book, but the fairies weren't as prevalent as I imagined they would be.