A review by ksydwlt
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss


My true rating would be 4.9/5, I take that .1 away because the “love story” about Denna outstayed it’s welcome for me. I think Patrick did a great job at showing how madly in love Kvothe was with her, because it was starting to drive me mad with his constant mention of her and unending search for her in almost every chapter. But yet Patrick made it feel entertaining, and I couldn’t stop reading the book. It kept my attention and made me want more, and the ending has never made me want to read a sequel more since reading a Martin book. But I will savor this in my thoughts and my next book won’t be the wise man’s fear, I need to give my brain time to think of young Kvothe and appreciate the master piece I just read. This book did a great job laying the ground work, and will start the next addition once more word on the final book is revealed. I highly recommend going in blind, just how I did. The character progression is one of the best I’ve ever read and the prose is magnificent. Loved it.