A review by goodbyepuckpie
Hurricane Heels by Isabel Yap


(I forget who recced this, so apologies for not tipping my hat yr way.) This has a really great range of characters (we get a pov section from each) and is an interesting take on the Magical Girls trope/how that interacts with growing up.

I think I was expecting a little more of the romance between two of the girls than we actually got in the book, but the balance of detail with all the characters and their relationships was very even throughout so that wasn't anything the book promised without delivering. I think it's closer to a 3.5 stars for me, really, but I hit the ending with a lot more feelings than I expected so I'm erring on the side of rounding up.

The ebook version I bought has some issues - a section repeats by mistake (nothing appeared to be missing) and a few typoes, so fair warning on that. I did find the frequent time jumps a little confusing at some points - there's a parallel narrative of about 4 'chunks' of time that cycles through, and I feel like some formatting to delineate that rather than just an extra line of empty space would have made that work better.

content note: warning for very briefly described memories of domestic violence in one character's backstory; attempted assault on that same character (she saves herself from it); action-movie level violence throughout in the battles with monsters.