A review by michellecharlotte
The Puppy Primer by Patricia B. McConnell, Brenda Scidmore


"Somewhere between five to seven months, your previously docile puppy may become impossible one day and go back to being an angel the next. Just when you are feeling proud of how much you and your dog have progressed, your training goes backward rather than forward."

I had to laugh when reading this. Our puppy turned five months a week ago and we have already experienced this. One day she was a hell beast. She was troubled by her teething in the evening so she got a frozen Kong, and the rest of the evening and the day after she was an angel again. It wasn't the magic of the frozen Kong but just her puberty starting.

I love the training exercises in this book and the helpful tips. We already have some foundations on the basic exercises with our pup, but still this book gives lots of inspiration to train and strengthen the foundation. We're definitely going to try some things with our girl on a daily basis.