A review by linaaaaaaaaaaaa
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin


Honestly, one of the best books I read in a long time.
I want to keep this review short and sweet so here are three of the reasons why I gave this book 5 stars:

- I loved the way you could just root for every character, even of they were just side character. You grew to love them even with/because of their flaws. Because those flaws are what made them all so realistic.

- the writing style was top notch tbh. I raced through this book in two days (would have been one if my eyes didn't start to burn because of exhaustion and sleep deprevation), the story was never really boring for me. Sure some parts weren't as exiting as others but they don't have to be, still I never had the urge to put the book down or skip ahead.

-Marx death shocked me to my core and I cried more that I probably should have over a fictional character but I have no regrets
(yes I am still crying)

PS: Thanks to my friend Lea for letting me borrow this absoloute masterpiece of Literature. I hope that both sides of your pillow are always cold <3