A review by bookishmya
How to Win a Wallflower by Samara Parish


This story is delightful! I loved the constant motion of the story. Much like Charlotte, the story had boundless energy and was constantly in motion. John was the quintessential wallflower, content to remain separate from society while Charlotte was destined to rule it. Despite their seemingly polar opposites, these two find they are the missing piece of each other. The growth shown by both characters was joy to watch. Despite their circumstances, they each realize that parts of their lives are them not being true to themselves. The other helping to bolster their confidence to learn what parts of society life is true to them and changing to become their better selves. The obstacle they faced made them stronger and helped them to face heir family and provide a better future. The ending had so many twists and turns that it literally kept me on the edge of my seat. Despite not having read the first two books in this series, I found all the characters to add a nice blend to the story. This was a nice shift from the typical lady wallflower, to have the detached gentlemen having to find his place was a charming twist.