A review by irfan3
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee


This is the second book I finished reading on my kindle. If I didn't know that this book is a Pulitzer prize winner, probably I wouldn't read it. Lol.

This is a story about a little girl named Scout and his older brother Jem, living with their father in Maycomb County. Their father is a lawyer, the hero in this book, where Scout learned many things about life, humanity, and equality.

This book is very easy to follow because it was told in the point of view of a little girl. Beside that, Lee's writing style is amazing enough for a Pulitzer winner. I felt as a child again when reading this book, sort of a playful life, without anything to be serious of. Knowing that adulthood is still far far away beyond reach.

I learned many things from this book, like the equality of human beings, in front of the law or in everyday life. That basically most of people are nice, if you really know them. If you want to know them you must climb their skin and walk around in it. And anyway, killing a mockingbird is a sin. Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.

It is such a shame for Americans to hate Hitler so much, while in their country home they treat people badly.

I really love this book, and would recommend it to you. It's a book worth reading for, so please read it before you're too old to read. :)