A review by jbrooxd
The Caledonian Gambit by Dan Moren


I read The Bayern Agenda first because it was listed as "Book 1" when I discovered it. And I felt all the way through like there was backstory I was missing. It turns out I was. This is book "0" in the series. I think there was a publisher change. I had no trouble enjoying Bayern without having read this before hand, but now that I have read this, I'd like to read Bayern again. I think I will enjoy it more because the politics and characters are a little clearer in my head.

I am thoroughly enjoying this spies-in-space series. The characters are fascinating and the galactic politics - while not as intense as say The Consortium Rebellion series - are interesting. I have also now read the two e-book short stories that follow this book (Pilot Error) and Bayern (Showdown) and I have The Aleph Extraction waiting in my TBR pile. If you enjoy mystery thriller spy stories and science fiction, don't miss this series!