A review by zosiablue
Abolition Democracy: Beyond Prisons, Torture, and Empire by Angela Y. Davis


This is a series of very academic interviews with Angela Davis during the second Bush administration & a nice reminder for me that Trump didn’t invent being evil. I forgot how livid and terrified I was when Bush was elected. And I was right to be.

Anyway, this book won’t be new info for anyone familiar with Davis’s work, but it was nice to remember that:

-the systems are sick & we can’t work within them
-prisons = military = prisons and back again
-we need to think globally when we fight injustice
-mobilization is not the same as organization
-torture and police/military/prison brutality are an extension of what’s already legally acceptable in those systems

Small, irrelevant note - there were tons of typos in this, which is always weird to see! Didn’t detract, so it’s just the same out-of-time feeling you get in elementary school when a teacher accidentally curses.